If You Are Concerned About Covid-19 . . .

In the video below – the link in the green box – the board certified Emergency Physician, (and Stanford Law graduate) Dr. Simone Gold, discusses the lie about Hydroxychloraquine.

She explains how it has been used for 65 years, how it has been written about positively, over many years in the scientific literature, how it has been given to the elderly, nursing mothers, pregnant women, immuno-compromised patients and everyone, mostly as a prophylactic and as a treatment for malaria. But also for Lupus and a kind of rheumatoid arthritis. It has a record of ‘safely’ treating these conditions for many decades, and there is data showing it has saved lives and been successful in treating covid patients. It has not been proven to be a dangerous drug.

What is dangerous, is politicising health.

I am not even going to go into the politicising of this issue, it is SUCH a pointless waste of time and energy, meanwhile, people are dying needlessly.

Dr. Gold is offering factual information, that you can prove wrong yourself if you find it offensive or unbelievable in some way.

I am furious this treatment is not being offered to save lives in hospitals. It is not a protocol here in Australia and not in Ireland, anyway.

It seems they are quite happy to let old and vulnerable people, suffer and die. And the fact that some countries, including Australia, prohibited its use as treatment for Covid-19 is a Crime Against Humanity.

There is NO DUE PROCESS being followed in any of these autocratic and unlawful decisions being made. Decisions that affect, not just our health and well-being, but whether we actually live or fricking die.

The Experimental Vaccine

Dr. Gold goes on to explain, that this is not, in fact, a “novel virus”, as it is referred to by many politicians and medics.

Sars-CoV-1 is 78% identical to Sars-CoV-2 , and there is a reason they don’t have a successful vaccine for Sars-CoV-1.

It’s because all the animals in the trial DIED! You wanna re-read that last sentence and think about it a sec?!

She explains the facts about what you are ‘opting-in’ for, when you decide to take this experimental vaccine. And all the factors you should consider before rushing in.

How many perspectives are you considering?

This doctor has been fired from her job, had and continues to have, many an entity try to smudge her reputation, and was even arrested by the FBI for peacefully protesting. Why the hell do people think professionals of her stature, and there have been many, would want to make a target of themselves?

How about another side to the story that msm don’t want you to see? Why are we being prevented from making up our own minds on these issues and these experts? Instead, we’re being force-fed one singular narrative by ‘experts’, cherry-picked by the powerful few?!

Set the time aside and listen to what she has to say, then prove she is wrong, rather than dismiss her or what she is saying without even listening and considering it.


Your complicity and blind trust in government and public health messaging, is contributing to the death of our loved ones. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh. How long are we going to wait before people see the Truth in it, and demand those making the rules be answerable to these questionable dictates?! Complying with mandates that are not lawful, not evidence-based to be suitable for all, nor even make any sense at all, is the tacit permission we give, that is empowering them to continue to kill people.

Hospitals are NOT TREATING Covid-19. Maybe oxygen if you’re lucky. Or unlucky? Dr. Zach Bush talks about how forcing pressurized oxygen into the body does not mean that the cells can always actually absorb it. That it can in fact cause fluid on the lungs to occur. Which often leads to pneumonia. Which often leads to death in the frail and vulnerable. So is it really a virus they are dying from in that case?

How do we know who is correct and who has it wrong? We don’t, we are being told how to think by one storyline being forced, and censoring the millions of independent and experienced professionals and regular people, who have something to question or add to what we are being force-fed. I don’t know and none of us will know what protocols will work or not work, until there is open, independent debate with a range of multiple experts. That is the nature of Science, for crying out loud.

What is the current ‘treatment’ in hospital for covid patients? Do you even know? What have governments and medics come up with, in one full year of this nightmare, from a treatment perspective? I mean apart from closing down the world and turning people against each other, with their virtue signalling style of public messaging? And apart from whipping up a dangerous frenzy for a massive human experiment, and unscientifically calling it a vaccine. What is the actual treatment for Covid in a hospital? Go find out and let me know in the comments!!

Hospital is the last place I’d want to go if I got this virus. You go in there and it’ll just be luck or Grace if you come out. Why are journalists not doing their job, and asking the questions the alternative narrative pose? Or is it that they are being censored?

We need to be informed and prepared to stand up for justice.

Who the hell are we as humans, if we are not prepared to stand up, and speak up, for justice for all?


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