
Clunes Yoga Club at Pure-Li Yoga

CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE YOUR MEMBERSHIP Welcome to Yoga Club! This term we are spicing things up a little to keep ourselves warmed as we move into

New Term at Pure-Li Yoga

This term, August 3rd – September 13th 2018, I am offering Restorative Yoga twice a week. On Mondays, is Restorative Yoga 1, which is a beginners style

Bhramari Breathing

This term at Pure-Li Yoga we are working with Bhramari breathing as our Pranayama practice. It seems it is something that at first, students are

Yoga Is Science

Yog is ancient science.  Neuroplasticity is modern science. We are re-realising what Yoga has always taught us . . .  It’s in the Vedas, the

iRest in Insight Timer

This app is BRILLIANT!  Highly recommend Insight Timer, I’ve been using it for years for meditation and more recently have enjoyed this fantastic offering as

Multi-Tasking Damages Your Brain

As part of my teacher training in Restorative Yoga, with Judith Hanson Lasater, we were given a number of articles that I found really valuable.

We Are Stardust!

YES!!  Did you ever think about that … WE ARE STARDUST! I guess the ancient yogis were quantum physicians …. The other day in my

True Love

A beautiful friend just sent me this fabulous piece of dialogue, between Ekhart Tolle and his partner Kim Eng.  A few of us will be