The Stupidity of ‘Eliminating A Virus’

I was so relieved and quite refreshed to see these two making some sense.

A few months ago, I’d heard Deepak Chopra actually promoting the experimental vaccine, much to my horror – I thought he was a man of science, after all.

However, he seems to have taken a turn for the wiser!

Sadhguru too, I thought he had been sipping the Koolaid himself after listening to him a few months back, but now they both sound like they’ve been listening to Dr. Zach Bush, or at least some sense and basic science!

Hurraaaaaah for sanity, especially from two whom are considered/consider themselves ‘spiritual leaders’!

You cannot eliminate a virus

This utter ridiculous hyperbole about the War on Covid-19, like the War on Terror and the War on Drugs, the languaging around this issue, used in the radio news reports I hear in the car, makes me livid!

You CANNOT eliminate a virus. Or kill a virus. And any Yogini worth a grain of salt knows that violence + violence = violence. Seeking to force Nature is futile, and just plain stupid.

It makes me so frustrated that this balony gets propelled from sources which most people believe they can trust. They are just perpetuating ignorance really.


And there are other treatments for this sickness you know.

But here …. a little break from it all with some open-mindedness and some alternative narrative

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